Jippiiie Internet Explorer!

  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Moi / Prozess

When I started this blog, i messed up some files changing the css and adding a banner. You could not read anything with Internet Explorer because the text was huge and overlapping. I always thought it was the css that was wrong but today i found out it was “header.php” that was messed up and i happened to fix it with lots of trial and error (i guess experts would cry when they see the mess behind… h10… :D ) i am really happy about this. Now there is no more excuse for leaving comments except my shyness.


This bag is my latest dawanda purchase from Nadel und Faden – it reminds me on the seventy towels we only used on holidays at the sea when i was a kid..

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